066-218X11066-86 純白色 66 無縫背景紙 Savage 66 PURE WHITE-2.18M X 11M
NT$ 2,300
1. Super White contains UV brighteners and is popularly used for product photography. Choose Super White to easily achieve an absolute white color using backlights. 2. Pure White is a great all-around white with a neutral tone. This color is great for anything from headshots and portraits to product photos. Works well with or without backlights. 3. White is a much warmer white tone compared to Super White and Pure White, and tends to complement skin tones well. This is ideal for headshots or portraits where absolute white is not needed as it delivers more of an “off-white” look. 001 特白含有UV螢光劑 , 適合利用反射光進行產品拍攝 066 純白屬於中性白, 適合各種拍攝 (大頭貼 人像 產品拍攝 ) 050 白 屬於暖色調 人像 大頭貼為佳
1-86 特白1無縫背景紙 Savage... NT$ 2,300
66-86 純白色 66 無縫背景紙 S... NT$ 2,300
20-86 黑色 20 無縫背景紙 Sa... NT$ 2,300
5-86 特海藍色 5 無縫背景紙 Sa... NT$ 2,300
53-86 胡桃灰棕色 53 無縫背景紙... NT$ 2,300
8-86 基本紅色 8 無縫背景紙 Sa... NT$ 2,300
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